Binti wa Anna Tibaijuka acharuka baada ya Mama yake kupigwa chini aachia matusi kwenye Twitter..
Haya ni matusi yaliyorusshwa na mtoto wa Waziri wa zamani wa Ardhi Mama Anna Tibaijuka, maana yake ni kwamba huyu mtoto alidhani Mama yake atakuwa Waziri mpaka mwisho wa Dunia na hiki kiburi cha kuamini Mama yake atakuwa Waziri wa Milele anakitoa wapi kama sio toka kwa mzazi wake? Hawa ndio Viongozi wetu wa sasa hata watoto wao nao wamejivika kiburi cha ajabu maana hata Mama yake naye alidai akijizulu Rais atamshangaa na kwamba yeye ni jembe la Rais, huku wafanyakazi wa Ardhi wamepanga kufanya sherehe kubwa za kushangilia kuondoka kwake.

Soma Baadhi ya Tweets Zake Alizoandika Jana:
This is aimed at diaspora Tanzanians who are so desperate to be part of the convo but you aren't here with us. Shut. the. fuck.up (5/7)
My mum did nothing wrong except wanting to help young girls get an education. A school built with my late father. Accepted a donation (2/7)
But more disappointed about the women in Tanzania who are so happy to see a woman down on her luck. Don't worry your time will come.
So glad I can finally say how I feel about this whole #EscrowSaga. People believe what they want to believe, I know the truth.
This is aimed at diaspora Tanzanians who are so desperate to be part of the convo but you aren't here with us. Shut. the. fuck.up (5/7)
My mum did nothing wrong except wanting to help young girls get an education. A school built with my late father. Accepted a donation (2/7)
But more disappointed about the women in Tanzania who are so happy to see a woman down on her luck. Don't worry your time will come.
So glad I can finally say how I feel about this whole #EscrowSaga. People believe what they want to believe, I know the truth.

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